- business transaction contract
- юр.Н.П. деловая сделка
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
CONTRACT — (Heb. חוֹזֶה, ḥozeh), in general law theory a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, in terms of which one party undertakes for the benefit of the other to perform or refrain from a certain act. As such, contract is the main… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
contract — con·tract 1 / kän ˌtrakt/ n [Latin contractus from contrahere to draw together, enter into (a relationship or agreement), from com with, together + trahere to draw] 1: an agreement between two or more parties that creates in each party a duty to… … Law dictionary
transaction — trans·ac·tion /tran zak shən, sak / n 1: something transacted; esp: an exchange or transfer of goods, services, or funds 2 a: an act, process, or instance of transacting b: an action or activity involving two parties or things that reciprocally… … Law dictionary
transaction — [n] business dealing; undertaking act, action, activity, affair, agreement, bargain, bond, business, buying, compact, contract, convention, coup, covenant, deal, deed, disposal, doings*, enterprise, event, execution, goings on*, happening,… … New thesaurus
contract — contractee, n. contractible, adj. contractibility, contractibleness, n. contractibly, adv. n., adj., and usu. for v. 16 18, 22, 23 /kon trakt/; otherwise v. /keuhn trakt /, n. 1. an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing … Universalium
Business broker — A business broker is a person or firm who/which acts as an intermediary between sellers and buyers of small businesses. Business brokers, also called business transfer agents, or intermediaries, assist buyers and sellers of privately held small… … Wikipedia
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
Contract Law of Saudi Arabia — Contract Law of Saudi Arabia Legal System Hanbali School of Sharia Law, Sunni … Wikipedia
Contract for difference — In finance, a contract for difference (or CFD) is a contract between two parties, typically described as buyer and seller , stipulating that the buyer will pay to the seller the difference between the current value of an asset and its value at… … Wikipedia
BUSINESS ETHICS — The Role of Wealth Any discussion of business ethics, within any cultural or religious framework, requires at the very outset a definition of the role of material wealth, financial assets, and other forms of economic possessions. Furthermore,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Contract — law … Wikipedia